Saturday, August 20, 2011

Love is in the Air

ETA: At the time, I just assumed Errol was insane, but I learned a week later that James really HAD sent him the trailer link... accidentally, while attempting to send it to another (needless to say, female) friend.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Story

In which Joseph is irritating.

(Click twice for the full-size version.)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unplug Me?

I am, occasionally, the walnut-stigator.

(I'm also ridiculously happy with how Natalia's character turned out!)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Fittingly, in her first appearance in this comic, Sunny the Sunnimistic Platypus opens with a sound made famous by platypi the world over.

(click twice to view full size)

Hanging On

The sequel to yesterday's comic, Don't Eat Your Feet.

Don't Eat Your Feet

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Errol talks too much

This was the hardest and most time-consuming one yet - by a long shot! - because Errol's dialogue just wouldn't fit inside the frames.

You're definitely going to want to click on the image twice to magnify it, 'cause the writing at the end is only legible in the full-sized version. (Still planning to move soon... please bear with me.)

Finally, credit where credit is due: Errol donated his own "e" (which I've only modified slightly!) from his and Debs' geeky musical duo and webcomic, Debs & Errol.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011


Sadly, Blogger is not only shrinking the four-panel comics a bit and making them harder to read--it's doing even worse to today's six-panel strip.

But never fear! I will soon have something better up and running. For now, though, here's the unfortunately shrunken second comic strip for your amusement.

ETA: OH HEY! If you click on the image, you can see the full-size version. As Elmer would say, Huzzah!

ETA a second time:

Here's the updated version based on Errol's pointers in the comments!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Walnut FAQ

What is this?

It's a webcomic. Isn't it dandy?

Who are these people?

Well… the V is me, the J is my ex, and the rest are other people (see also About the Walnuts). I might add a page introducing the characters at some point, but for now I'm assuming that most of my readers are already familiar with most of my characters.

Why Blogger?

Because it was there. It was easy, I've used it before, and I didn't want to throw a ton of effort into something that I wasn't sure I was going to commit to for more than a couple of weeks. I expect I'll move it sometime soon, because I don't like how Blogger is insisting on shrinking my images and muddling the text.

Did any of these conversations actually happen?

Yes! Contrary to what Joseph might claim, every one of these conversations occurred virtually word for word. I've modified a line here or there for clarity, and have taken out mid-conversation digressions, but for the most part these are exactly what took place, either in person, by phone, text or over chat. Ask the people involved if you don't believe me! (Although I'd expect some of them to lie. You know who you are. I'm watching you.)

Why "Walnuts"?

Because. Walnuts.

How frequent are updates?

Comic strips will be posted as often as I can pull them together… probably a couple of times a week, on something that in no way resembles a regular schedule.

About the Walnuts

This webcomic owes its existence to a long list of walnuts.

This is Victoria. She's the one posting, and the one assembling, most of the comics.

The original inspiration for this comic came courtesy of Errol, the NaNo Muse, who badgered me into the idea in the first place (and even offered art! and provided templates).

Joseph, obviously, co-created a goodly portion of the content. He also demanded the right to proof everything involving his character before it goes live. For, you know, accuracy. Or something.

Natalia helped me to reframe the comic's concept from something that would have been a direct rip-off of Debs & Errol into something that's truly my own.

Sunny, the friendly platypus, thoughtfully downloaded eighteen bazillion bubble fonts and offered suggestions and encouragement with regard to letter-building software and my, ahem, artistic progress.

Thanks also to David, Adam, Dana and others who encouraged this mad endeavor in the first place! Hope you enjoy.